EHS Students analyze data from the International Space Station
A group of budding statisticians are analyzing never-before-seen, direct-from-space data transmitted from a Utah State University Space Dynamics Laboratory-built instrument strapped to the Earth-facing exterior of the International Space Station. Launched to the ISS in November 2023, the NASA-funded Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE) mission’s tuba-shaped Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper (AMTM) is collecting millions of images of atmospheric waves and temperature measurements with its four telescopes as it orbits the Earth 15 times a day.
The overall goal of the mission is to better understand, by examining atmospheric waves, how weather on earth influences space weather, which can adversely affect aircraft, spacecraft and GPS navigational systems.
“I think it’s incredible that we’re a part of this mission,” says East High junior Yamato Lerwill. “It’s a really unique opportunity that no other high schoolers that I know of are being able to do. We’re so lucky.”
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