Our mission for Connections is for it to foster a sense of belonging for all EAST students with the aims of increasing attendance, academics, and learning while providing peer leadership and mentorship opportunities that support the objectives of our BEAST community.
Here are some quick facts on what Connections is:
· 25 minute class between 2nd and 3rd period on Tuesdays and Wednesdays
· Tuesdays – Teachers will check in with individual students while the rest of the students do structured self-check activities on grades, attendance, and other progress
· Wednesdays – Teachers will teach short lessons that teach academic, social and emotional, and other life skills
· Students will be with the same teacher for all four years at East, and classes will be mixed 9th-12th graders
· Students will a receive .5 credit for Connections and will get a P/F grade. Students will pass if they regularly attend and participate.
Your students Connection teacher will get to know them during their time at East and will be the main person to contact at East if you have questions that you don’t know who to ask. They will direct you to the right places for answers or answer the questions themselves when they can.
Make sure you read the newsletter each week to see what is happening in our Connections classes!
Social and Emotional Curriculum
All of our East High students are practicing some skills and techniques in Connections to help them deal with challenges in their lives. These skills come from a new SEL curriculum called Move This World that has been purchased by the district.
Great news! You can access this curriculum at home so that the whole family can practice these techniques together! Go to and sign in with these credentials:
· Username:
· Password: movethisworld